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The Angelina County Veterans Parade To Be Held in Huntington for Second Year

Huntington has become the home to what is shaping up to be an unforgettable tribute to Veterans on Saturday, November 12th for the 2016 Veterans Appreciation Parade.

“It’s going to be an event to remember,” said Marilyn Davis, chairwoman for the Veterans Parade. “You are not going to want to miss it and I guarantee it will be very moving.”

The parade’s line-up time is 9am at the Middle School on Mulberry and 5th Street. 10am the parade begins, ending at Centennial Park.

There are quite a few entries for the parade so far but if you have forgotten to do so, there is still time to sign up. Just call Marilyn Davis at 422-5779 and she will take care of it. Floats, cars, motorcycles, church groups, bands, school groups... Anyone who wants to show their thanks and support for our Veterans are encouraged to do so. Trophies will also be given out to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place parade entry winners.

Immediately following the parade in Centennial Park will be an emotional tribute/ceremony for the Veterans. Some of the events include the “Missing Man Table Ceremony”, which is a moving tribute to Vietnam POWs and MIAs; a reading of “The Ragged Old Flag”; Gospel Music; Patriotic Music; guest speakers, etc.

Many craft and food vendors have signed up for the day to show their support and appreciation. And like the parade, it is not too late to sign up and participate. Call Marilyn Davis at 422-5779 to reserve a spot.

Veterans will be participating from World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, Desert Shield and Afghanistan. There will be many wearing their uniforms. Even though Huntington is a small town, there is no reason we can’t do this event in a BIG way. Let us all come on out and show our thanks and appreciation to the brave men and women who help keep this country safe and free.

God bless our Veterans and I’ll see you on November 12th!

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