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East Texas Teen Court

You Are Hereby Summoned To Appear In Court.... Here Is Your Chance To See What Really Happens in an ‘East Texas Teen Court" by Judge Julie Alston, Huntington and Zavalla Municipal Judge You are all invited to attend a “Mock Trial” presented by the East Texas Teen Court on Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 6:00 pm. at the Huntington City Hall, 802 U.S. Highway 69 South in Huntington. The trial should last approximately one hour.

The East Texas Teen Court is now hearing real cases involving East Texas teenagers who have been charged with Class C Misdemeanor violations (such as traffic cases, underage drinking and theft cases under $100.00). Teen Court allows local teenagers to act as prosecutors, defense attorneys, and jurors in real cases referred to this Teen Court by local courts. We have completed two actual jury trials, and we plan to hold court at least once a month. Our goal is to provide new opportunities for youth from the Huntington and Zavalla areas, where there has been a need for some time. It also provides Judges with alternative ways to deal with young offenders.

On November 20th, you will have the opportunity to see the talent and leadership qualities of local teenagers as they work in the criminal justice system. There will be testimony from real police officers, videotaped evidence, and Teen Court participants will do opening statements, final arguments, and question and cross-examine witnesses, as in any trial. Because the cases in Teen Court are confidential, this “Mock Trial” will allow you to see Teen Court in action without violating anyone’s privacy rights. We hope that you will make every effort to attend. Your presence will not only educate you about an exciting new program, but it will also encourage the Teen Court participants who have worked so hard in training and trials to be “professional” in the way they conduct themselves.

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